Replacement spares for Bathstore Blade washbowl mono single lever basin tap 535575 / 200027014570.
Cartridge is 35mm and may have G35H stamped on it or be known by 90000014170.
If your Blade mono single lever tap is dripping or leaking then its time to replace the cartridge.
Easy to fit with just an allen key and an adjustable spanner.
How do I remove the handle on the Bathstore Blade tap?
Remove chrome screw cover cap from front of handle. Use allen key to undo grub screw.
Pull head off. Unscrew shroud. Use adjustable spanner to unscrew locking collar. Pull cartridge out of tap body.
Watch our video below for general guidance / how to change your single lever tap.
Tap Magician are available for any technical help and advice needed.