Tap Magician Compatible Replacement Ceramic tap cartridge to fit the Franke Atlas , atlas NEO, and Atlas Neo pull out single lever tap 115.0638.827 115.0547.856
Original flow cartridge known by code 133.0372.710
35mm single lever cartridge
If you require a new handle retaining screw this is our SS04-S, we also have suitable Allen keys available to remove the handle.
We now offer a compatible lever style handle (SHANDLEUNO-S)
if your Franke Arena tap Is dripping or leaking its time to replace the internal ceramic cartridge. It is easy to replace yourself.
We offer a replacement aerator , flow restrictor if you require this which is our SR24C (available only in chrome)
How do I remove the Franke Atlas tap handle?
Use 2.5mm suitable Allen key to undo grub screw holding handle on. Pull handle off. Unscrew shroud. Use spanner to undo cartridge retaining nut. See diagram / instructions below