Tap Magician Compatible Replacement Ceramic tap cartridge to fit the Lamona Pull Out Spray single lever tap.
Compatible with model TAP2493.
If your tap is dripping or leaking out of the spout then it is time to replace / change the cartridge.
Original spare part code 1202R / ASSLC0001 / 9.13863.
How to remove the tap handle and replace the valve:
Turn the handle to access the rear side and loosen grub screw using a 2mm Allen key. Pull the handle vertically away from the tap.
Now hold the upper body of the tap firmly and use an adjustable spanner unscrew the valve lock nut.
Pull the old valve cartridge away from the tap and replace.
Replacement aerator available
You can find the Pull Out Spray tap diagram / instructions below.
Watch our video tutorial for general guidance on removing a singe lever tap handle and replacing the cartridge