Tap Magician replacement parts to fit the Abode ZEST AT2164 Kitchen Tap.
If your Zest 20 spline tap is dripping or leaking out of the spout then it is time to replace / change the quarter turn ceramic disc cartridges. Original spare part codes known by 1212R / 3984R / SP3984 / ASSCDV0001, hot and cold valve replacements available.
If you do not know which side is leaking you should replace both. Cartridges have 20 splines.
If your Zest Kitchen tap is leaking/dripping from the base of the spout (the neck) then you will need to replace the tap washers / seals inside the spout. The o'ring kit is part SK22-S.
Hot and cold screw caps / indices available for the handles and new aerator / perlator for the end of the spout (nozzle).
We now offer compatible lever handles
Frequently asked questions about your Abode Zest tap.
How to remove my Abode Zest tap head / handle?
How To remove the handle: remove end cap. Undo screw with crosshead screwdriver. The handle will then pull off.
How to remove the Zest Spout?
Use grub screw to undo spout retaining screw. Pull spout up and out of tap body.