Tap Magician compatible spare parts to repair the CDA TC28CH Kitchen tap.
Watch our easy tutorial guide to take you through step by step replacing the cartridges and spout o rings.
If your tap is dripping or leaking out of the spout then it is time to replace / change the quarter turn ceramic disc cartridges.
Hot and cold replacement cartridges available.
The TC28CH uses a white nylon spline handle adaptor. You can purchase a replacement as SA03-S.
Replacement spout repair kit available as SK22-S. Original O'Ring kit known by code 1239R.
We can now offer a compatible lever handle set. These differ slightly to the originals so should be replaced together.
Frequently asked questions.
How to remove the TC28CH tap handle?
Use an allen key to undo grub screw on underside of the tap lever. Once removed the handle will pull off.
How to remove your TC28CH cartridge
Our Cartridge Valve removal tool (ST03) is available to enable easy removal and fitting of the cartridges which are recessed into the tap body.
The old valve may have two flats instead of a hex nut.
Our tool has two ends. One end to remove the cartridge with two flats and one end to remove/fit new cartridge with hex nut.
How to remove the swivel spout on the CDA TC28CH tap to replace the o'rings?
Unscrew locking collar at the base of the spout and pull spout up and out of tap body.
Repair my TC28CH tap, how to fix my dripping CDA TC28CH tap, how to replace my cartridges.
Cartridges known by tap spares, tap washers, tap inserts, tap glands.