Tap Magician Compatible Replacement Ceramic tap cartridge to fit the CDA CX400 Pre 2007 Kitchen mixer tap.
For guidance / instructions of how to replace a tap valve step by step please
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If your tap is dripping or leaking out of the spout then its time to replace the tap inserts.
Original cartridge known by code PAINI ASME A112.18.1UPC ANSI NSF61 KK G90.
Hot and cold cartridge replacements available.
You will need our clockwise for the hot side and anticlockwise for the cold.
Frequently asked questions about your CDA CX400 tap.
How do I remove my tap handle and replace the cartridge?
1. Remove indice on the end of the handle.
2. Use crosshead screwdriver to undo screw.
3. Pull Handle off.
4. Use spanner to undo cartridge. It will unscrew anticlockwise.
How to identify my CDA CX400 tap? How to repair my leaking CDA CX400 tap? Spares available for CDA CX400.
Any further questions contact our experienced technical team.