Tap Magician compatible replacement ceramic cartridges for the Franke Varzo pull out kitchen mixer tap 470HY 7612985643986.
If your tap is dripping or leaking out of the spout then it is time to replace / change the quarter turn ceramic disc cartridges.
Original spare part codes known by 133.0607.845 / 133.0607.846.
Sprayhead replaces 133.0607.866.
Hot and cold valve replacements available.
You will require our Anticlockwise open cartridge for the cold side, and clockwise open for the hot side.
If you require both then you can select "Pair".
The cartridge has 20 splines.
Your cartridge will have a brass spline adaptor fitted which you can reuse on the new cartridge.
If you are unable to reuse this please contact us to purchase a replacement.
REPLACEMENT HANDLES - Replacement Varzo handles now available.
**Please note these use the 40 spline (SA16-S) fitting in the handle.
How do I remove the handle on the varzo?
Remove chrome screw covering cap on the underside of the handle.
Use 2.5mm allen key to undo the grub screw. Pull handle off.