Tap Magician compatible spares / parts to repair the Crosswater Belgravia 4 Hole Bath Mixer BL440DCLV lever tap and BL440DC Crosshead mixer taps.
For guidance / instructions of how to replace a tap valve step by step please
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If your tap is dripping or leaking out of the spout then it is time to replace / change the quarter turn ceramic disc cartridges. Hot and cold valve replacements available. original cartridge known by Crosswater X2A018N-H and X1A018N-C. 3/4 Inch On/Off Flow Cartridge
Cartridge has 20 teeth on spline. You will require our Anticlockwise open cartridge for the cold side, and clockwise open for the hot side, If you require both then you can select "Pair"
How do I remove my Crosswater Belgravia handle?
1. Remove hot cold indice/screw covering cap.
2. Use crosshead screwdriver to undo screw.
3. Pull handle off.
4. Unscrew shroud anticlockwise.
5. Use 17mm or adjustable spanner to undo cartridge anticlockwise
Crosswater Belgravia Mk1 3/4 Ceramic Disc Bath Cartridges Pair T20X1A